Monday, 23 September 2019
September 200 Club winners
The latest numbers have been drawn and our winners selected.
September 2019 Winners!
Congratulations all of our winners; if you want to be in with a chance please let us know if you would like to take part!
September 2019 Winners!
- 1st prize = Mr & Mrs Comber
- 2nd prize = Mrs J Stead
- 3rd prize = Mr P Thompson
Congratulations all of our winners; if you want to be in with a chance please let us know if you would like to take part!
Sunday, 11 August 2019
WSJ 2019 is over
All the High Peaks WSJ contingent are back safe and sound.
They have had a fabulous time in West Virginia, Washington DC and Canada.
A huge thank you to all the people and companies who supported them in their fundraising and efforts to make this adventure possible.
Monday, 22 July 2019
WSJ 2019
Alex and Gabe set off on Saturday morning at 5:30am - along with 90 Scouts and Explorers from Derbyshire, about 3,500 from the UK and 40,000 from around the world. They are heading for the World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia.
Currently the Derbyshire Units have just left New York.
Could it be you next time?
Saul Brown
Group Scout Leader
Monday, 8 July 2019
ILM Young Leader Training
17th – 21st August 2019
Chesterfield Scouts have been fortunate enough to win some European Social Funding (ESF) money to deliver a Young Leaders training programme in August this year. This is only for Young Leaders aged 16-18 years old due to funding restrictions
The training will be delivered throughout a 5-day camp, commencing Friday evening August 16th through to Wednesday August 21st, 2019. This year the training camp will be slightly different to those delivered before in that they intend to accredit the training to the ILM management level 2 award as well as the Scout Young Leader award. They intend to deliver this programme over 5 days as a camp and this will give you the opportunity also to socialise with other Young Leaders in the District. If you believe you have completed any parts of the course before please bring evidence of this to the weekend, but it is not required as we will cover all relevant modules.
The training camp will be interactive and is planned to equip you with leadership skills to take a full and active part in Scouting Leadership. You will also acquire general leadership knowledge and skills that will equip you for the working world. There will be an opportunity to meet with your sections Assistant District Commissioner to learn about activities specific to each section.
On completing the training programme, you will be awarded several certificates. These, you should use to demonstrate to potential employers acquired skills of leadership, commitment and teamwork. In addition to covering all the training for the young leader modules including first aid you will receive certification from the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) at level 2; Emergency First Aid at Work level 2 qualification and coaching certificates in tomahawk throwing and fencing.
To achieve the ILM accreditation there will be a requirement to complete some project work on the course for which there will be tutor support and there will be some pre-course reading. This will ensure we can cover all topics in the time allocated. If you are going to apply to come onto the course you need to be prepared to learn, participate and contribute.
The training will commence on Friday 16th August at 6pm at Spitewinter Scout Campsite, Chesterfield. All participants will be camping outdoors, and all costs to include camping, food and drinks, will be met by the project funding through ESF, however they require a £50 deposit when you commit to the course which will be refunded in FULL if you complete the full course.
Registration will be open at 6pm on the 16th and young leaders should have arrived and pitched their tents ready to start at 8.30pm. The course will conclude, and you will depart on Wednesday 21st August at approximately 5pm.
This is a first come first serve basis and the first 30 completed applications forms they receive with the deposits will be allocated a place. The deadline for applications is short to allow them to offer the course out of district if there are any spaces left. Please return the booking form by the 15th July to Simon Temperton, 7 Purbeck Ave, Chesterfield, S40 4NP telephone 07736 878997. Deposit cheques should be made payable to Chesterfield and District Scout Council.
ILM Young Leader training August 2019
Name: Group & Section:
Contact telephone:
Contact email:
Signed: Parent / Guardian:
Signed: Sponsoring leader: This should be your section leader or GSL
Any special dietary or other support needs we should be aware of………………………………
I enclose a £50 deposit to confirm my place. I understand this will be refunded if I complete the course.
Kandersteg 2020 reminder
If you are interested in attending then please read the letter and, if you decide you would like to attend then you can access the application form via this link*
Monday, 1 July 2019
Have your say in What We Wear
As part of our Skills for Life plan, the Scout organisation have committed to reviewing the Scout uniform. This review will help get them up to speed on what Scout members currently wear and explore other options of what could be worn.
There are three online surveys—one longer survey aimed at adults and two shorter ones, aimed at young people aged 6 to 12, and 13 to 17 respectively.
It’s been great to see thousands of responses from the public, adult volunteers and youth members, but there’s still work to do. We want to make sure every young person has the chance to share their views—and we need your help to make it happen.
Help increase youth feedback
We are sharing this link with you now - please note: young people’s parents/carers need to give permission for their children to take part - this will need to be done before before 7 July 2019.
You can download and print this uniform worksheet and use it to inspire them to think about what they want to wear. There are six different designs, each with a hyperlink to the questionnaire. You can then encourage them to complete the survey using the hyperlink (remember you may need to provide a parental permission).
Remember: we’re committed to remaining a uniformed organisation. If changes are proposed, we’ll make sure we give everyone plenty of time to adapt and adjust. No decision has been made at this stage, and there are no immediate changes to uniform.
Chris Brammer
Uniform Review Project Sponsor
The Scouts
June 200 Club winners announced
The latest numbers have been drawn and our winners selected.
June 2019 Winners!
Congratulations all of our winners; if you want to be in with a chance please let us know if you would like to take part!
June 2019 Winners!
- 1st prize = Mr D Hodgson
- 2nd prize = Mrs V Cross
- 3rd prize = Mrs S Mellers
Congratulations all of our winners; if you want to be in with a chance please let us know if you would like to take part!
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Coffee Morning - 13th July
1st Taxal Scouts are hosting a coffee morning at the Mechanics on the 13th July. As ever any assistance you can provide is very greatly appreciated. Whether that is in the form of donations for the raffle/tombola/cakes or help on the day or simply coming along to say hello.
Get it in the calendar now!
Thursday, 6 June 2019
1st Taxal AGM 2019
The Scout Group Annual General Meeting will be held at the Scout Hut on Thursday 27th June, the evening will begin at 7:30pm prompt and will likely take around an hour.
We will recap the years' activities and events for all of the sections and there will be a few awards handed out to the children, along with the normal reguired short AGM agenda items.
Refreshments will be provided and all parents and children are encouraged to attend. It is a great opportunity to see what Scouting provides across all of the age groups.
I hope you can join us.
We will recap the years' activities and events for all of the sections and there will be a few awards handed out to the children, along with the normal reguired short AGM agenda items.
Refreshments will be provided and all parents and children are encouraged to attend. It is a great opportunity to see what Scouting provides across all of the age groups.
I hope you can join us.
Monday, 13 May 2019
Neil receives Wood Badge!
Monday, 29 April 2019
April 200 Club Winners
The latest numbers have been drawn and our winners selected.
Congratulations to you all!
April 2019 Winners!
As ever, please let us know if you would like to take part!
Congratulations to you all!
April 2019 Winners!
- 1st prize = Mr & Mrs Comber
- 2nd prize = Mrs M Brennand
- 3rd prize = Mr J Sidebotham
As ever, please let us know if you would like to take part!
Thursday, 28 March 2019
Activation 2019
Activation is an exciting event run by Derbyshire Scouts which gives the attendees chance to try out 4 exciting and adventurous activities, meet other Scouts from across the County and learn new skills. Cubs and younger Scouts are invited on the Saturday (up to their 11th birthday) and Scouts and Explorers on the Sunday (from their 10th birthday to accommodate older Cubs transitioning). No children under 8 can attend but if they are still Beavers but will be over 8 they are welcome to book on.
Bookings must be via activation/. If you would like to confirm a particular child or group of children, the organisers can help you with this but you should receive an email when you make the booking.
They will be closing the booking system on 31st May to enable them to finalise Registers etc.
Please email to contact the organiser directly if you have any queries. This event is run by the County, not 1st Taxal Scouts.
Note: Parents/carers are not generally allowed on site unless their child has a particular need which makes this necessary and this would need to be approved by the organisers and a DBS provided by their group. They have a team providing excellent pastoral support on-site. It is important that parents and leaders advise them of any additional needs so they can ensure the child gets the best care and has a fantastic experience.
Monday, 18 March 2019
Thursday, 28 February 2019
A message from Saul Brown - our new Group Scout Leader
Hi, my name is Saul Brown and I've taken on the role as Group Scout Leader (GSL) at 1st Taxal Scout Group.
Firstly I would like to thank Stephen Sidebotham and Linda Birch for sharing the role over the last few years. They will both be continuing in Assistant Group Scout Leader positions.
The GSL role is to provide Leadership for all the Sections in the Group and ensure a balanced program of activities is delivered.
Many of you already know me as I have previously helped run Beavers and Cubs. Currently I occasionally help out at Scouts. I first started helping in Beavers when my eldest son joined 8 years ago.
My 3 sons Alex, Zak and Ben have moved through the sections with Alex currently in Explorers and Zak and Ben in Scouts.
I will try to visit Beavers over the next few months to introduce myself in person and to get to know the young people in the Beaver Colonies.
1st Taxal is a thriving Scout Group; we have waiting lists for all sections. We take part in High Peak District activities, being the largest group at this year's Wallaboree Camp and have retained the Border Hike Johanna Knowles Trophy for 2 years. Internationally 2 of our members are attending the World Scout Jamboree in North America this summer.
It is a great privilege to be GSL and I hope that I will be able to build on 1st Taxal's strong 95 year history. I will endeavour to enable and provide opportunities for all Scout Sections to have exciting experiences and build strong positive memories and friendships.
Many thanks,
Monday, 18 February 2019
February 200 Club winners
The latest numbers have been drawn and our winners selected.
Congratulations to you all!
February 2019 Winners!
As ever, please let us know if you would like to take part!
Congratulations to you all!
February 2019 Winners!
- 1st prize = Mr R Hambleton
- 2nd prize = Mrs D Bromley
- 3rd prize = Mrs R Coe
As ever, please let us know if you would like to take part!
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
1st Buxton Disco
1st Buxton scout group are having a social event with a disco, buffet, raffle and free punch on arrival on Sat 23rd Feb from 8.00pm onwards. It is being held at the Scout HQ (at top of Peveril Road) for anyone who helps, or is connected with, Scouting in the District.
The cost is £10 and you will need to bring your own tipple (Adults Only).
Hope you can make it.
Tickets can be booked through Roger Harrison on: 7866757457.
Wednesday, 6 February 2019
World Scout Jamboree Coffee Morning - 16th February
The final World Scout Jamboree coffee morning is taking place on Saturday 16th February, 9am until 12 midday, at the Mechanic's Institute in Whaley Bridge.
There will be the usual Tea/Coffee, cakes, raffle etc. Any help that can be offered, cakes or prizes grateful received. The last coffee morning was a great success and we expect that this will be just as well supported.
We are on the final fundraising push now, we are within the final £1000 of the target to allow us to attend the Jamboree in the Summer! We should have the required funding by the end of March.
As always , thanks for everyone’s support. It really is very much appreciated.
Monday, 21 January 2019
Chilly Challenge 2019
True to form Chilly Challenge lived up to its name again in 2019.
8 Scouts and 5 adults walked from the Cat and Fiddle pub to Gradbach Scout Campsite for an overnight stay.
Chilly Challenge is an annual county event to spend one night under canvas in January.
In snowy conditions the walk took 3 hours with a lunch stop at Three Shire Heads.
Hot and plentiful food was supplied by Gradbach staff throughout our stay and was very much appreciated.
A roaring bonfire and marshmallows dried us off and set us up for a ‘cool’ nights sleep.
A big thank you to High Peak District and Gradbach staff who organised the event and to the parents who walked and stayed with us.
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Tall Ships Race - Ocean Scout
They are looking for young people aged 16-24 years old to join the adventure...
Taking part in a Tall Ships Race is an
inspirational cultural experience for young people.
In addition to sailing with Tall Ships of many nations, there are exciting shore events in all the ports visited: Young people are encouraged to join in with inter-crew games and competitions, parties, and a crew parade. Every crew will also take part in a parade of sail and see a stunning firework display over their host port.
No previous sailing experience is necessary.
Tall Ships Races are unique, amazing, and totally unforgettable adventures!
In addition to sailing with Tall Ships of many nations, there are exciting shore events in all the ports visited: Young people are encouraged to join in with inter-crew games and competitions, parties, and a crew parade. Every crew will also take part in a parade of sail and see a stunning firework display over their host port.
No previous sailing experience is necessary.
Tall Ships Races are unique, amazing, and totally unforgettable adventures!
We recognise that these amazing adventures are beyond the means of the average young person. There is financial help available for Tall Ships Races. Ask us for details. Apply soon for the best prices and best funding opportunities.
- 22June - 5 July: (18 yrs upwards.) MILEBUILDER DELIVERY VOYAGE IPSWICH TO AALBORG (Denmark) to include Opening Ceremony of Tall Ships Races 2019
- 5 - 13 July TALL SHIPS RACE 1. (16-24 years) AALBORG (Demark) TO FREDRIKSTAD(Norway)
- 13-23 July TALL SHIPS CRUISE. (16-24 years) FREDRIKSTAD (Norway) to BERGEN (Norway). Cruise along the stunning Norwegian coastline in company with the Tall Ships of the world. Stop off along the way in attractive ports and enjoy some fun with the crews of other international vessels.
- 23 July - 4 August. TALL SHIPS RACE 2 ( 16-24 years) BERGEN (Norway) TO AARHUS (Denmark).
- 4 August -17 August (15 - 24 years) TALL SHIPS HOMEWARD CRUISE ( Including participating in the official end of Tall 2019 Ships Races celebrations in Denmark, and then voyage home to England. AARHUS TO SOUTHAMPTON.
also advise on travel to and from the boat. We always have a suggested travel
route and we try to ensure young people fly as a group. Where possible one of
our sea staff will accompany them. We recognise the travel to/from
the boat is a big part of the adventure and we do our best to make it safe and
worry free (for the young people and their parents!)
more details of these voyages and to find out about how to fund a Tall Ships
Race voyage please call Judy on 07927 911981 or
Monday, 7 January 2019
Coffee Morning Success
We just wanted to pass on our thanks to all who helped and attended the Scout Coffee morning on Saturday. We had a fantastic turn out and managed to raise over £250 through coffee and cake sales, tombola and the raffle.
This money will go towards funding some of our Scouts to attend the World Jamboree in the Summer.
This money will go towards funding some of our Scouts to attend the World Jamboree in the Summer.
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
December 200 Club winners
Apologies for the slightly delayed post but the latest 200 Club prize selection was conducted before Xmas.
Many congratulations to our December 2018 winners who are:
The next draw will be held in February - please let us know if you would like to take part!
Many congratulations to our December 2018 winners who are:
- 1st prize = Mrs T Croasdale
- 2nd prize = Mrs H Roberts
- 3rd prize = Mrs S Wheway
The next draw will be held in February - please let us know if you would like to take part!
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