We hold a coffee morning each year, at the Mechanics Institute in Whaley Bridge, to raise funds for the Group and we need your help to make the morning a success. You can help in one of four ways:-
- Help on the day serving drinks, cakes and selling raffle tickets - To help put your name on the list in the Scout Hut, if you can’t help all morning just an hour would be great.
- Bake a cake/buns to sell on the day - Please bring these to the Mechanics at 9 am on the Saturday morning or if you can’t make it Saturday you can drop your cakes to my house anytime on the Friday 17th, (I’ll be baking all day) 182 Buxton Rd, Whaley Bridge (yellow house).
- Donate a raffle or tombola prize, If every beaver/cub/scout/explorer could donate one thing that would be fantastic, please drop any donations to the leaders room at the hut before 18th.
- Support us on the day and head to the Mechanics for a drink!
Many thanks,
Heidi (cub leader)