Monday, 1 July 2019

Have your say in What We Wear

As part of our Skills for Life plan, the Scout organisation have committed to reviewing the Scout uniform. This review will help get them up to speed on what Scout members currently wear and explore other options of what could be worn.

There are three online surveys—one longer survey aimed at adults and two shorter ones, aimed at young people aged 6 to 12, and 13 to 17 respectively.

It’s been great to see thousands of responses from the public, adult volunteers and youth members, but there’s still work to do. We want to make sure every young person has the chance to share their views—and we need your help to make it happen.

Help increase youth feedback
We are sharing this link with you now - please note: young people’s parents/carers need to give permission for their children to take part - this will need to be done before before 7 July 2019.

You can download and print this uniform worksheet and use it to inspire them to think about what they want to wear. There are six different designs, each with a hyperlink to the questionnaire. You can then encourage them to  complete the survey using the hyperlink (remember you may need to provide a parental permission).

Remember: we’re committed to remaining a uniformed organisation. If changes are proposed, we’ll make sure we give everyone plenty of time to adapt and adjust. No decision has been made at this stage, and there are no immediate changes to uniform.

Chris Brammer
Uniform Review Project Sponsor
The Scouts

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