Friday 9 May 2014

Beaver's Opportunity to Camp!

Over the weekend of the 4th to 6th July 2014 1st Taxal will be holding a Group camp at Spitewinter campsite near Chesterfield. Group camp is the Group’s one opportunity each year for all sections to join in one camp together.

The weekend will be packed with activities based on one theme. Every camp has had a different theme from Christmas to the Circus and this year will be no different. As we are currently planning this year’s theme you will have to wait until the camp to find it out.

We are offering Beavers two options for the camp

Option 1 – Beaver Day

Attend group camp for just Saturday 5th July. You will need to arrive at Spitewinter at 11:30am and can be collected at 7:30pm. The cost of the full day including activities and food will be £15.

Option 2 – Beaver Sleepover

Attend group camp staying overnight in one of the buildings onsite. You will need to arrive at 11:30am on Saturday 5th July and can be collected at 2:00pm on Sunday 6th July. The cost of the sleepover, including activities, food and accommodation will be £20.

For both of the above options you will need to arrange your own transport to and from the site.

If you or your parents have any question regarding group camp please contact Stephen Sidebotham on 07732228145 or at

If you want to be part of group camp 2014 please complete the form which can be downloaded here and return it, with full payment to your section leader by Friday 23rd May 2014.

Two weeks prior to the camp you will receive further detailed information including directions, health form and a kit list.