Tuesday 19 November 2013

Coffee Morning - Saturday 23rd November

We hold a coffee morning each year to raise funds for the Group, this year it is being held on Saturday morning and we need your help to make it a success. 

You can help in one of four ways:-

  • Help on the day serving drinks, cakes and selling raffle tickets. Let us know you would like to help by either putting your name on the list in the Scout Hut or calling Jayne Stead on 01663 733288
  • Bake a cake to sell on the day; please bring these to the Mechanics on the Saturday morning
  • Donate a raffle or tombola prize; please leave these at the Scout Hut by Friday, or,
  • Support us on the day and head to the Mechanics for a drink!
Thanks to you all in advance, and we look forward to seeing you there!