Monday, 8 July 2019

ILM Young Leader Training

17th – 21st August 2019

Chesterfield Scouts have been fortunate enough to win some European Social Funding (ESF) money to deliver a Young Leaders training programme in August this year. This is only for Young Leaders aged 16-18 years old due to funding restrictions

The training will be delivered throughout a 5-day camp, commencing Friday evening August 16th through to Wednesday August 21st, 2019.  This year the training camp will be slightly different to those delivered before in that they intend to accredit the training to the ILM management level 2 award as well as the Scout Young Leader award.  They intend to deliver this programme over 5 days as a camp and this will give you the opportunity also to socialise with other Young Leaders in the District.  If you believe you have completed any parts of the course before please bring evidence of this to the weekend, but it is not required as we will cover all relevant modules.

The training camp will be interactive and is planned to equip you with leadership skills to take a full and active part in Scouting Leadership.  You will also acquire general leadership knowledge and skills that will equip you for the working world.  There will be an opportunity to meet with your sections Assistant District Commissioner to learn about activities specific to each section. 

On completing the training programme, you will be awarded several certificates.  These, you should use to demonstrate to potential employers acquired skills of leadership, commitment and teamwork. In addition to covering all the training for the young leader modules including first aid you will receive certification from the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) at level 2; Emergency First Aid at Work level 2 qualification and coaching certificates in tomahawk throwing and fencing.

To achieve the ILM accreditation there will be a requirement to complete some project work on the course for which there will be tutor support and there will be some pre-course reading.  This will ensure we can cover all topics in the time allocated.  If you are going to apply to come onto the course you need to be prepared to learn, participate and contribute.

The training will commence on Friday 16th August at 6pm at Spitewinter Scout Campsite, Chesterfield. All participants will be camping outdoors, and all costs to include camping, food and drinks, will be met by the project funding through ESF, however they require a £50 deposit when you commit to the course which will be refunded in FULL if you complete the full course. 

Registration will be open at 6pm on the 16th and young leaders should have arrived and pitched their tents ready to start at 8.30pm. The course will conclude, and you will depart on Wednesday 21st August at approximately 5pm.

This is a first come first serve basis and the first 30 completed applications forms they receive with the deposits will be allocated a place.  The deadline for applications is short to allow them to offer the course out of district if there are any spaces left.  Please return the booking form by the 15th July to Simon Temperton, 7 Purbeck Ave, Chesterfield, S40 4NP telephone 07736 878997.  Deposit cheques should be made payable to Chesterfield and District Scout Council. 


ILM Young Leader training August 2019

Name: Group & Section:

Contact telephone:

Contact email:

Signed: Parent / Guardian:

Signed: Sponsoring leader:                 This should be your section leader or GSL

Any special dietary or other support needs we should be aware of………………………………

I enclose a £50 deposit to confirm my place.  I understand this will be refunded if I complete the course.

1 comment:

  1. Your current blogs usually have got a lot of really up to date info. Where do you come up with this? Just saying you are very inspiring. Thanks again
