Monday, 1 December 2014

Waitrose Community Matters

The Waitrose Store in Buxton have put forward 1st Taxal for this month’s Community matters, where three local charities receive a share of £1000. 

The share each charity receives is based on how many Green tokens they are given by customers of the store. Tokens are handed out at the checkout when you make a purchase.

Please could we ask that everyone encourages friends and family to head up to Waitrose this month and support the Group with the Green tokens.


Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Bonfire Night and Remembrance Sunday


On Wednesday 5th November the Group will be holding its Bonfire and Fireworks at the Scout Hut. The evening is open to all Scout Group members and their family. The fire will be lit at 6:30pm with fireworks starting at 7:30pm.

Entry will be by donation. Hot drinks, hotdogs, burgers and soft drinks will be on sale from 6:30pm.

In preparation for the bonfire we will be cutting a few hedges back, cleaning up the hut and building the bonfire on Sunday 2nd November between 9am and 12pm. If you can spare a couple of hours to help please come down.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Sunday is to be held on the 9th November with a service at St John's Church in Furness Vale and wreath laying at Whaley Bridge War Memorial.  For both parts you need to be in full uniform (shirt, necker, smart trousers and shoes). This year you will also receive a Remembrance Day badge which can be worn on your uniform (if you have not received your badge please see your section leader on bonfire night).

Arrangements are slightly different for the sections so please read the information below carefully.

Beavers & Cubs - We are asking that the Beavers & Cubs attend only the wreath laying at the war memorial in Whaley Park. The Group will meet at the Entrance to the park on Buxton Road at 12pm. (Please note we may be slightly late returning from Furness Vale). We should be finished by 12:30pm.

Scouts & Explorers - We are asking Scouts & Explorers to attend both parts of the morning. We will meet at 10:30am at St Johns Church, which is located on the left of the main road as you leave Furness Vale heading towards New Mills.  Following the service we will return to Whaley for the wreath laying. You will need to arrange your own transport to and from Furness Vale.

Parents - Please ensure a Leader is present before leaving your child at either part of the morning. 

Yours in Scouting

Stephen Sidebotham
Group Scout Leader
1st Taxal

Monday, 29 September 2014

Scout's Coffee Morning - Please help support us

We hold a coffee morning each year, at the Mechanics Institute in Whaley Bridge, to raise funds for the Group and we need your help to make the morning a success. You can help in one of four ways:-

  1. Help on the day serving drinks, cakes and selling raffle tickets - To help put your name on the list in the Scout Hut, if you can’t help all morning just an hour would be great.
  2. Bake a cake/buns to sell on the day - Please bring these to the Mechanics at 9 am on the Saturday morning or if you can’t make it Saturday you can drop your cakes to my house anytime on the Friday 17th, (I’ll be baking all day) 182 Buxton Rd, Whaley Bridge (yellow house).
  3. Donate a raffle or tombola prize,  If every beaver/cub/scout/explorer could donate one thing that would be fantastic, please drop any donations to the leaders room at the hut  before 18th.
  4. Support us on the day and head to the Mechanics for a drink!

Many thanks,

Heidi (cub leader)

Friday, 9 May 2014

Beaver's Opportunity to Camp!

Over the weekend of the 4th to 6th July 2014 1st Taxal will be holding a Group camp at Spitewinter campsite near Chesterfield. Group camp is the Group’s one opportunity each year for all sections to join in one camp together.

The weekend will be packed with activities based on one theme. Every camp has had a different theme from Christmas to the Circus and this year will be no different. As we are currently planning this year’s theme you will have to wait until the camp to find it out.

We are offering Beavers two options for the camp

Option 1 – Beaver Day

Attend group camp for just Saturday 5th July. You will need to arrive at Spitewinter at 11:30am and can be collected at 7:30pm. The cost of the full day including activities and food will be £15.

Option 2 – Beaver Sleepover

Attend group camp staying overnight in one of the buildings onsite. You will need to arrive at 11:30am on Saturday 5th July and can be collected at 2:00pm on Sunday 6th July. The cost of the sleepover, including activities, food and accommodation will be £20.

For both of the above options you will need to arrange your own transport to and from the site.

If you or your parents have any question regarding group camp please contact Stephen Sidebotham on 07732228145 or at

If you want to be part of group camp 2014 please complete the form which can be downloaded here and return it, with full payment to your section leader by Friday 23rd May 2014.

Two weeks prior to the camp you will receive further detailed information including directions, health form and a kit list.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

I.C.B.I.N.V. ESU Summer Newsletter

Summer has arrived, so we’ve got plenty of activities in the great outdoors including sailing, cycling and kayaking, as well as a few indoor activities including a trip to Waterworld. We also have, for the first time ever, paintballing. This is the most requested activity and the Scout Association has changed its policy meaning we can now do this. 

As I’m sure you all know by now, there will be a change of leadership at ICBINV as Adam steps down as ESL in order to move away for work. Hannah will be taking over and as such has taken over much of the planning and organising for this term. We are, as a group, always looking for extra help, not just running activities but behind the scenes as well. If you have any spare time and are interested in helping out, please get in touch with Ste (07732 228 145 or )

We are experimenting with posting the newsletter on the website, let Hannah know what you think! If you have any other 'news' worthy of posting on the site then let us know too!

The programme for this year can be found below or you can view our calendar here, if you are unsure about anything please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Wed 30th – Meeting HQ

Games Tournament - In Uniform (Subs due - £30)


Wed 7th – Meeting HQ

In Uniform

Thurs 15th – Meeting @ Combs Reservoir

Sailing - Details to follow

Fri 16th – Sun 18th – Dragnet Camp @ Barnswood

Wed 21st – Meeting @ Errwood Reservoir

Kayaking - Details to follow

Wed 28th – No Meeting (Half-Term)


Wed 4th – Meeting HQ

Mountain Biking

Sat 7th – Sun 8th  – Activation Camp @ Carsington

Wed 11th – Meeting HQ
Gladiators - In Uniform

Sat 21st – Waterworld

Details to follow

Fri 27th – Sat 28th – Carnival Prep & BBQ @ HQ

Details to follow


Wed 2nd – Meeting HQ

Group Camp Prep -  In Uniform

Fri 4th – Sat 6th – Group Camp @ Spitewinter

Wed 9th – Meeting 

Wide Game  -  Details to follow

Sat 19th – Paintballing

Details to follow