Monday, 21 January 2019

Chilly Challenge 2019

True to form Chilly Challenge lived up to its name again in 2019.
8 Scouts and 5 adults walked from the Cat and Fiddle pub to Gradbach Scout Campsite for an overnight stay.
Chilly Challenge is an annual county event to spend one night under canvas in January.
In snowy conditions the walk took 3 hours with a lunch stop at Three Shire Heads.
Hot and plentiful food was supplied by Gradbach staff throughout our stay and was very much appreciated.

A roaring bonfire and marshmallows dried us off and set us up for a ‘cool’ nights sleep.
A big thank you to High Peak District and Gradbach staff who organised the event and to the parents who walked and stayed with us.

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Tall Ships Race - Ocean Scout


They are looking for young people aged 16-24 years old to join the adventure...

Taking part in a Tall Ships Race is an inspirational cultural experience for young people.

In addition to sailing with Tall Ships of many nations, there are exciting shore events in all the ports visited: Young people are encouraged to join in with inter-crew games and competitions, parties, and a crew parade. Every crew will also take part in a parade of sail and see a stunning firework display over their host port.

No previous sailing experience is necessary.

Tall Ships Races are unique, amazing, and totally unforgettable adventures!


We recognise that these amazing adventures are beyond the means of the average young person. There is financial help available for Tall Ships Races. Ask us for details. Apply soon for the best prices and best funding opportunities. 

  • 22June - 5 July: (18 yrs upwards.) MILEBUILDER DELIVERY VOYAGE IPSWICH TO AALBORG (Denmark) to include Opening Ceremony of Tall Ships Races 2019
  • 5 - 13 July TALL SHIPS RACE 1. (16-24 years) AALBORG (Demark) TO FREDRIKSTAD(Norway)
  • 13-23 July TALL SHIPS CRUISE. (16-24 years) FREDRIKSTAD (Norway) to BERGEN (Norway). Cruise along the stunning Norwegian coastline in company with the Tall Ships of the world. Stop off along the way in attractive ports and enjoy some fun with the crews of other international vessels.
  • 23 July - 4 August. TALL SHIPS RACE 2 ( 16-24 years) BERGEN (Norway) TO AARHUS (Denmark).
  • 4 August -17 August (15 - 24 years) TALL SHIPS HOMEWARD CRUISE ( Including participating in  the official end of Tall 2019 Ships Races celebrations in Denmark, and then voyage home to England. AARHUS TO SOUTHAMPTON.
We also advise on travel to and from the boat. We always have a suggested travel route and we try to ensure young people fly as a group. Where possible one of our sea staff will accompany them.  We recognise the travel to/from the boat is a big part of the adventure and we do our best to make it safe and worry free (for the young people and their parents!) 

For more details of these voyages and to find out about how to fund a Tall Ships Race voyage please call Judy on 07927 911981 or email

Monday, 7 January 2019

Coffee Morning Success

We just wanted to pass on our thanks to all who helped and attended the Scout Coffee morning on Saturday. We had a fantastic turn out and managed to raise over £250 through coffee and cake sales, tombola and the raffle.

This money will go towards funding some of our Scouts to attend the World Jamboree in the Summer.

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

December 200 Club winners

Apologies for the slightly delayed post but the latest 200 Club prize selection was conducted before Xmas.

Many congratulations to our December 2018 winners who are:

  • 1st prize = Mrs T Croasdale
  • 2nd prize = Mrs H Roberts
  • 3rd prize =  Mrs S Wheway

The next draw will be held in February - please let us know if you would like to take part!