Thursday, 28 February 2019

A message from Saul Brown - our new Group Scout Leader

Hi, my name is Saul Brown and I've taken on the role as Group Scout Leader (GSL) at 1st Taxal Scout Group.

Firstly I would like to thank Stephen Sidebotham and Linda Birch for sharing the role over the last few years. They will both be continuing in Assistant Group Scout Leader positions.

The GSL role is to provide Leadership for all the Sections in the Group and ensure a balanced program of activities is delivered.

Many of you already know me as I have previously helped run Beavers and Cubs. Currently I occasionally help out at Scouts. I first started helping in Beavers when my eldest son joined 8 years ago.

My 3 sons Alex, Zak and Ben have moved through the sections with Alex currently in Explorers and Zak and Ben in Scouts.

I will try to visit Beavers over the next few months to introduce myself in person and to get to know the young people in the Beaver Colonies.

1st Taxal is a thriving Scout Group; we have waiting lists for all sections. We take part in High Peak District activities, being the largest group at this year's Wallaboree Camp and have retained the Border Hike Johanna Knowles Trophy for 2 years. Internationally 2 of our members are attending the World Scout Jamboree in North America this summer.

It is a great privilege to be GSL and I hope that I will be able to build on 1st Taxal's strong 95 year history. I will endeavour to enable and provide opportunities for all Scout Sections to have exciting experiences and build strong positive memories and friendships.

Many thanks,


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