Monday, 2 May 2016

1st Taxal Scouts' AGM

Dear Parents,

We would like to invite you to the first ever Group Presentation Night and AGM at the Scout Hut on Thursday 12th May. The evening will be a review of the many activities each section has taken part in along with the presentation of Chief Scouts Awards to some of the young people in the Group. 

The Chief Scouts Award is the highest award which can be achieved in each section and recognition of a young person completing a number of activities and challenges. If your child is to receive a Chief Scouts Award you will be informed under separate email.

The evening will commence from 6:45pm with refreshments, ready for a 7pm start. We are aiming to close the evening at 8pm. 

Please come along and see what the Group has been involved in over the last year. 

Yours in Scouting

Steve Sidebotham                                    Linda Birch
Group Scout Leader                                   Ass. Group Scout Leader

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